2024- 2025 Student Handbook
2024-2025 Student Calendar
Student Calendar
Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Students
All students need a safe and supportive school environment to progress academically and developmentally. Many questions arise for students and school staff when considering the best support for transgender and gender nonconforming students. The Continuing Best Practices for Schools Regarding Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students are designed to provide direction for schools to address issues that may arise concerning the needs of transgender and gender nonconforming students.
Two Roads Academy serves students who are currently unable to access their sending school due to a myriad of reasons. We serve students who may have learning disabilities, emotional disturbances, Autism Spectrum Disorder, or behavioral challenges.
Enrollment in TRA is voluntary, with our enrolling students who are willing to engage in treatment and who have some interest in engaging in the outdoor component of programming. Two Roads Academy is licensed to serve students in all disability categories except developmental delay. TRA has a licensed Special Educator on staff and partners with LEA’s to serve students who have an Individualized Education Plan.
Students are, typically, referred to TRA through the Individualized Education Planning (IEP) teams within their local school district. Schools can submit an enrollment application at any time, either electronically or by mail.
If you would like any additional information, please email info@tworoadsacademy.org or call (802) 261-1716.